Carbon Neutral

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Carbon Neutral objective

Zero Balance Emissions

Over the years The Hotel Bonapace in Madonna di Campiglio has been altered several times, thanks to enterprising younger generations. During the last few years our awareness of the surrounding environment has grown and we have decided to implement numerous ecological choices. We want to maintain a level of consistency that takes the form of continual energetic improvements, optimization of recycling, the choice of eco compatible materials, and managerial decisions that result in less and less damage to the environment. Our intention is to involve both guests and staff, so instilling in them a cultural awareness, that will result in them looking after what our ancestors created and have so jealously handed down to us.

The idea

This year we have decided to create a new project that unites us both in the same objective, that of making a personal contribution to saving our planet. We were therefore supported by the Casa Clima Agency of Bolzano to quantify, according to their parameters, for the typical year 2019, the total carbon dioxide emission (Carbon footprint) of the building at full occupancy. 

Our aim in the coming years will be precisely to  totally reduce the CO2 emitted, reaching a zero balance situation (Carbon neutral), so as to no longer impact the environment.

We aim to reach our objective by purchasing and planting a new apple orchard, which will be looked after by the Azienda Agricola Biologica Debiasi (organic farm), who has its business in Loc. Loppio 2, Frazione Patone, in the municipality of Isera. The choice of this local company was made because it is already one of our consolidated suppliers, honest and trustworthy and, like us, has a strong feeling towards environmental protection.
Furthermore, it is one of the few organic farms in our territory to have its own laboratory for the transformation and packaging of its produce.

Investing in them means raising their economic income, which in turn contributes to the promotion of new developments, such as the purchase and cultivation of land which would otherwise be abandoned. This also gives social benefit to the area through the possibility of hiring new local workers. It also fuels a circular economy, in the sense that our investment in trees has been transformed into new fruits, which when transformed become jams, fruit or other things on our breakfast buffet, with the further possibility of being purchased by tourists, both in hotel than visiting the company directly.

n this way a small producer has the opportunity to become known at an international level, both for their work and also their excellent products, typical of our territory. Thus, by working together, we avoid the classic chain distribution that a product usually has to pass through before arriving in the supermarkets. This way we always have the guarantee of receiving fresh, seasonal raw materials. It is always good to eat healthily, but even better to know that our guests are as well!

Where are we now?

Our apple orchard project began on the 1st May 2020. 50, 2 year old, apple trees were planted  for the Hotel Bonapace in Madonna di Campiglio we share and another 150 for the Eco Hotel Bonapace in Torbole (with whom we share this project), a total of 300 trees.

They are in the locality of Patone, on the east facing slopes of the mountain facing Rovereto, behind Monte Stivo. The area is approx. 850 m above sea level, completely isolated and with a lovely view over the Valle d’Adige.

Each tree has been geolocalized and has a tag with its principal details, one of which is the name of the person to whom it has been gifted or bought by, in order to permit the active participation of said person in this project. It will be nice to be able allow these people, should they wish, to go personally to see their own tree.

The variety of the apple trees is Red Topaz, a red apple, aromatic and acidic in taste with compact and juicy flesh. It offers a high and constant productivity, and is harvested in early September.
It is naturally resistant to scab, a fungal infection typical of apple trees. 

Being of organic cultivation, the orchards are subject to special regulations which limit the use of chemical products, instead the disruption of sexual communication of certain insects (preventing them from mating and producing larvae that damage the crop) is preferred.

Our commitment to the environment, during the next few years, is to completely eliminate the amount of carbon dioxide produced by our 2 hotels.